MUSTER LIST. A Muster List is to be prepared before a ship puts to sea and maintained throughtout the voyage. If any change takes place in the crew, equipment or procedures the muster list must be ammended accordingly. The muster list is to give clear instructions to be followed in the event of a emergency, and it is to be displayed in conspicuous places throughout the ship, including the navigating bridge, engine control room, and crew accommodation.


  • Detail of the general alarm signal and actions to be taken by crew and passengers when hearing it.
  • How the order to abandon ship will be given
  • Other emergency signals and actions to be taken by the crew on hearing such signals.
  • On passengers ships and ro-ro passenger ships built after july 1998 :        
  1. The location of assembly stations.
  2. The procedures for locating and rescuing passengers trapped in their cabins.
  • Duties assigned to various members of the crew including :
  1. Closing of watertight doors, fire doors, valves, scuppers, side scuttles, skylights, portholes, and other similar openings.
  2. Equipping survival craft and other life saving appliances.
  3. Preparation and launching of survival craft.
  4. General preparation of other life saving appliances.
  5. Muster of passengers (if any)
  6. Use of communication equipment.
  7. Manning of fire fighting parties.
  8. Special duties assigned in respect of the use of fire fighting equpment and installations.
  • Duties of the crew in relation to passengers, including duties in respect of :
  1. Warning the passengers.
  2. Seeing that they are suitably clad and have donned their lifejacket correctly
  3. Mustering passengers at assembly points or muster stations.
  4. Keeping order in passengerways and stairways and generally controlling the movement of the passengers.
  5. Ensuring a supply of  blankets is taken to the survival craft.
  •   Who is responsible for ensuring that the life saving and fire fighting appliances are maintained in good condition and are ready for immadiate use.
  • Who will be the substitutes for key personnel should they become disabled.     
Muster lists must be compiled with regard to the practicalities of an emergency situation. As far as practicable each person should only be allocated one duty, or series of duties related to one emergency party. On passenger ships key personnel who would be the last to abbandon ship should not be allocated to those survival craft which are expected to be launched first. When allocating substitutes for key personnel. Should they become disabled, care must be tak ensure that emergency parties are not left without a leader of seriously undermanned. A motor lifeboat must have assigned to it a person who is capable of operating the engine and carriying out minor adjustments. A survival craft with a radio installation, EPIRB, SART or two-way radio telephone is required ti have assigned a person who is capable of operating the equipment.


Clear Emergency Instructions to be followed in the event of an emergency are to be provided for every person on board. This will usually be in yhe form of a card or a display poster in a cabin.

In passanger vessels engaged on international voyages and on larger passanger vessels operating in teritorial waters each crew member must be provided with clear emergency Instructions (e.g. in the form of a card) to be followed in the event of an emergency. The instructions must show the assembly or muster station, emergency duty, and the survival craft to which he is allocated. The instructions should describe the general emergency alarm signal, and other emergency signals and the action to be taken on hearing them. The method by which the abandon ship order is to be given must also be stated.

Emergency instruction, illustrated where possible, must be displayed in each passenger cabin, passenger assembly point or muster station, and in other passenger spaces. The language must be appropirate to the principal nationalities carried. These instructions are to inform passengers of their assembly or muster stations, essential actions to take on hearing the general emergency signal and any other signal requiring action on their part, and location and method of donning lifejackets.      

# Thanks and I hope this article is useful,          


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