The Elements Required to Creati Combustion


The Elements Required to Creati Combustion. To control or prevent the possibility of fire all crew must be aware of the elements required to creati combustion. The three elements involved (fuel, heat and oxigen) are often shown as the three sides of a triangel,. these three components are inter - dependent on each other and therefore if any one of the components is removed combustion cannot take place.

Also if any one of the three components is reduced below an established value, combustion will not be possible.

Therefore fires can be controlled and extinguished by the removal of heat, fuel or air and the main aim when fighting a fire is to reduce the temperarature, remove the fuel and/or exclude the supply of oxigen.

Basic Fire Precautions onboard Ship

  • Garbage is primary source of fuel and my also self - heat. Do not let it accumulate ensure its safe delivery to the garbage room in the focsle.
  • Keep all areas tidy, particularly store rooms
  • Use the appropiate bins, Ensure that lids are on oily rag bins
  • Clean up spills and mess immediately, particularly oils and chemicals 
  • Empty waste paper baskets regularly
  • Filters and vents should be kept clean - especially tumble driers in the laundry. 


  • Electricity is a major cause of fire, So make sure all systems and apliances are safe 
  • Always take faulty equipment out of srvics
  • Disconnect all equipment when not in use
  • Ensure people are trained in how to use electrical equpment safely
  • Cirquit breakers or trip switches should not be obstructed, they must be free to operate as they protect the circuit
  • The code of safe woking practices has further practical information

The Galley

  • Turn of ovens when not in use and never leave unattented pans on a stove
  • Keep ventilation hoods and filters free from grease and dusty by cleaning them regularly. A fire starting here can easily spread throught the trunking to other parts of the ship.
  • All equipment in the galley shoukld be kept clean and free from dust.   
  • Pay attention to electrical hazards. Do not overload sockets as the wiring can heat up and cause a fire
  • Look out for frayed wires and broken pluga - a bad connection can cause an electrical arc, resulting in a fire.  
  • Isolate all electrical appliances when not in us

The Engine Room

  • Oily ragsshould be kept in a lidded metal container which should be emptied regularly. Cotton if impregnated with oil may spontaneously ignite, even with cotton waste can generate heat and is a potential fire risk. 
  • Keep the bilge free of oil and scrupulously clean.
  • Engine room plates should be kept free from oil.
  • Replace lagging that has become impregnated with oil.
  • Report any oil leaks immediately.
  • Cladding and sheathing serve to prevent oil leaks coming into contact with hot surfaces. Double skin pipe fittings, if properly maintained, do the same job.  
  • The engine room contains electrical equipment, which can provide sources of ignition if not properly maintained and regularly inspected.
  • Procedures regarding hot work such as burning, cutting and welding must always be followed. 

Cigarettes and Smoking

  • Statistics Show that many ship fire are caused be people smoking and by smoking materials. prevention of fire from these causes is directly within control of the persons involved. Remember when you light a cigarette - you light a fire.
  • The designated Smoking area on pelorus is the fore deck, it is not permitted to smoke any where else onboard the ship.
  • Only carry cigarettes or smoking and lighting materials in the designated areas.
  • Use self - extinguishing asthrays.
  • Never leave lit cigarettes unattended
  • When emptying ashtrays, make sure they do not contain smouldering materials.
  • All visitors must be warned about the no smoking rules before they come.
  • Onboard.       


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